Op-Ed: The things I thought I Couldn’t Survive Made Me Into A Comedian
Don’t expect to laugh at my origin story just because I’m a comedian. Anyone who makes their living making people laugh will tell you: The line between comedy and tragedy is razor thin.
Aida Rodriguez: How an ADHD Diagnosis Transformed My Life
ADHD is just a child's brain's response to unmet needs," my therapist told me over a Zoom session. My mind was blown. I had never heard it defined that way, yet it made all of the sense in the world.
Aida Rodriguez: Being Called "Too Much" Fueled My Passion For Stand-Up Comedy
My father is not at all surprised that I am an entertainer. "You were one of those dancing babies," he used to tell me after we reconnected in 2021, after 30-plus years being apart.
Aida Rodriguez: Unpacking My Childhood Traumas Through Comedy Is Cathartic
I've always viewed comedy as a coping mechanism for people who are in lower economic situations or just dealing with very hard circumstances. In the words of Kevin Hart: "Laugh at my pain."
Article From The Final Print Edition of Oprah Magazine
When I was a kid, we played a game called the dozens. "The dozens" has many names, depending on where you're from, now it is most commonly named "roasting".
7 Things Hollywood Needs To Get Right About The Latinx Diaspora
As endless conversations surround me about the erasure of the Latinx spectrum in the media, I find myself in an interesting position. Should I say something?